11 May 2012

NLL Crystal Ball: 2012 Division Finals Edition

Nothing like two upsets to really bust a playoff bracket, especially when one picks an upset that didn't happen. Hence my abysmal 1-3 record in the first round of the playoffs. The best news of the last week is that when the Rock host the championship game they will do so on Friday May 18th at 7:30pm. This means that I can watch the game without interrupting my long weekend plans (i.e. FIREWORKS). And those fireworks will be extra special with a seventh Rock Champion's Cup championship (PS the NLL needs a better name for the cup).

Since the entire West side of my bracket was busted in the first round, it's a good thing I get a do-over. This time I'm taking Minnesota over Edmonton. Either team could win. Minnesota is on fire, so I'll pick them since they've shown consistently over the past few weeks that they can win ... or at the very least that they can beat Colorado. Edmonton has many players who've won big games, so another upset is not out of the question.

The East side of my bracket is fine-ish. I'm still going to take Toronto over Rochester. I have my fingers crossed that this won't be quite as nerve racking as last week. The winning team will definitely be happy if there is no fourth quarter comeback, and the losing team will be disappointed regardless.

I've now got Toronto repeating as champions. It's too bad Calgary and Colorado lost, because there's always going to be a what-if thought crossing our minds at the end of the season. It's the beauty and the agony of the one-and-done playoff alignment.

Some other random thoughts:
  1. Most people at the ACC let out a collective gasp when Llord buckled after Edwards hit him. A few idiots cheered, and these people deserve a smack upside the head. The play deserved a penalty, but this suspension nonsense is only happening because of the injury, which, if you ask Blaine Manning, could just as easily have happened on a cleaner hit.
  2. I want to see the NLL move to four-point straps. I know, from experience, that they aren't perfect protection against concussions, but they are better. And there are far too many players in the NLL who would rather have their bucket a little loose so they can hopefully draw a penalty when their lid flies off in a collision. This is a stupid risk to take, and the NLL can help protect its players by moving to a mandatory 4-point strap, with an automatic penalty if a player's helmet comes off.

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