07 April 2011

Look Both Ways Before You Run a Red Light

This is an open letter to the guy driving the white van with no company logo on the side. The guy who saw a light turn red a full block away and held his speed steady. The guy who took his hands off the wheel as he plowed through the intersection and gave me the "ooops" shrug.

You're welcome.

You see, if I wasn't one of those people who always looks both ways before I cross the street, regardless of the inviting walk signal (or in this case the flashing hand that comes on five seconds after the inviting walk signal), both our lives would be quite different right now. You'd be in a holding cell, and I'd be in a hospital or morgue.

Actually, that's probably not true. If I wasn't one of those people who looks both ways before I cross a street, I'd've been hit by a car years ago, and we never would've crossed paths. I've lost count of the number of people who have ignored the most basic rule of intersections (look both ways before you proceed). I realize, as a pedestrian, I'm invisible, but it also happens when I'm driving a car - other cars ignore me, pedestrians ignore me, cyclists ignore me, cabbies ignore me (I know I'm not alone here - cabbies ignore everyone who isn't paying a fare, and even some people who would like to hire them). Other people blindly fly into intersections so often around me that I'm beginning to think that I'm the problem. It can't be a coincidence.

So to each and every one of you who has been inconvenienced by me in an intersection, I'm sorry for being invisible. I'm sorry for getting in your way. I'm sorry if our encounter (if you even noticed it) made you feel guilty or contemplate how lucky you are. It's clearly all my fault ...

And also, you're welcome. It's hard to remain this humble when I've changed so many lives (including my own), but I'm doing the best I can.

1 comment:

  1. To some, sadly, stop signs and red lights do not apply to them. Why do you think red light cameras are so lucrative?
