01 May 2011

Adventures in Moving: Nearly There

We close tomorrow (for those who haven't checked out the countdown recently)!!!

I'm not as excited about closing tomorrow as I imagined I would be. I guess it might be because we won't be moving for another six days from now. We've only barely started putting things in boxes and milk crates, and even just a day of packing and it feels like we're more than half done ... I'm probably wrong, especially about all the packing that has to happen in the kitchen!

The last week has also already given us a sense of closure on the house.

We've spent three weeks, which is about 2 weeks and 4 days longer than necessary, getting our insurance sorted out. We believed our electrical service was 100 amps, but the president of our homeowners board said that it was 60 amps, which was wrong as we discovered at our final visit. Water under the bridge now, but a royal headache dealing with delays and extortionist quotes from our insurance broker.

We spent Friday afternoon getting cheques and visiting the lawyer. When I got my bank draft the teller asked if I was buying a home, and then offered her congratulations. I guess the massive amount on the cheque made out to the lawyer in the office upstairs were give-aways. We signed about 100 different papers for the lawyer in triplicate, and saw him earn his keep by calling the seller's lawyer to yell at him for a series of mistakes culminating in an error of $11 in favour of the seller. It's the principle, not the dollar amount, of course!

We had our last visit on Wednesday and the current owner has already moved out. It kind of felt like the place was already ours. Although it will be interesting to see if she comes back before closing to get her jar of pennies, e-waste bag and decorative star on the bathroom door.

The day we visited would have been my mom's 65th birthday. I suppose there's some sort of sublime serendipity in the coincidence. No doubt she would be proud of so much that she has missed - two marriages, four grandsons, all three of her children owning homes (her eldest already owns her third different home), the beginning of much-needed cottage renovations, the combined 4 (and counting) university graduation ceremonies of her children (I account for three of them), the haphazard gardens of daffodils planted by friends and family all around the world, and of course seeing her three kids shave their heads to commemorate ten years without her. Her children have all grown up, but we still miss you mom.

Coming up this week:
  • closing and getting keys on Monday (and potentially running off to make copies to have a spare set),
  • on Tuesday our flooring contractor shows up to replace our hardwood, which he will finish on Thursday,
  • dealing with Bell and Rogers on Friday for moving our services (Rogers has already screwed up in their billing, but I'm going to wait to see if they also screw up the move before I call to yell at them for their continued incompetence),
  • moving on Saturday (anyone who wants to help out is more than welcome, it's 170 metres from our current place to our new place).
It all seems so distant and manageable right now ...

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